The Catizen, known for its unique game on Telegram, has delayed its highly anticipated $CATI token airdrop. Originally scheduled for July, the airdrop’s delay has left many players and the community wondering about the new launch date. The Catizen team has been transparent about the reasons behind this postponement, which include optimizing the token launch process and ensuring the best possible conditions for a successful rollout of the airdrop.
Why Was the Catizen AI Token Airdrop Postponed?
The Catizen team mentioned several important reasons for postponing the $CATI token airdrop. One of the main concerns was securing listings on major cryptocurrency exchanges. These listings are crucial for providing the necessary liquidity, and diverse trading options, and ensuring a fair and suitable listing price for the Catizen token. Additionally, the team wants to avoid potential issues that could arise from a hasty launch, such as technical glitches or insufficient market support.
In response to the delay, the Catizen team reassured players and the broader community that the airdrop remains a top priority. They highlighted that the extra time is being used to finalize these essential elements, which will ultimately benefit all participants by creating a more robust and stable launch.
Despite the postponement, the Catizen project has not been idle. On August 22, the team launched the Catizen Game Center within the TON ecosystem, introducing eighteen new games from their roadmap. This significant update has added more depth and variety to the game, enhancing the overall experience for users.
Catizen Surpass 30 Million On-Chain Transactions
The official X account of Catizen recently announced that the on-chain transactions of Catizens have exceeded 30 million. Within the Meow Universe, approximately 5.5% of Catizens hold positions such as Programmer, MeowSavant, and Satoshi NakaMeow. Catizen's ethos involves playing for the airdrop and striving to heal the world.
The delay of the Catizen token airdrop is a strategic move by the team to ensure a smooth and successful launch. While the wait may be disappointing for some, the team’s commitment to optimizing the process is a positive sign for the project’s future. Players can continue to enjoy the game and prepare for the airdrop by maximizing their in-game assets, with the promise that the $CATI token launch will happen when the time is right.
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