Hamster Kombat was initially one of the most hyped projects in the Telegram mini-game space, with various sources claiming an impressive user base of 200 million, 250 million, and even 300 million. The buzz around the project was immense, drawing in users and investors eager to be part of the next big thing. However, the excitement began to wane when a Telegram update revealed the actual user base to be 155 million around - still significant, but far below the initial expectations. Suspicion grew further when Telegram rolled out another update, revealing that monthly active Hamster Kombat Users had dropped to just 87 million. This sharp decline has raised questions about the project's sustainability and its ability to retain its community.
Reasons Behind the Hamster Kombat Decline in User base
The decline in Hamster Kombat's user base can be attributed to several factors:
Initial Usage of Telegram Bots to Create Hype
Delay in Hamster Kombat Airdrop Allocation and Distribution
Delay in Hamster Kombat TGE and Listing
User Shift to Dogs Token & Other Projects
Lack of Major Updates or Announcements from Hamster Kombat
Initial Usage of Telegram Bots to Create Hype:
One of the main reasons for the initial surge in user numbers was the extensive use of Telegram bots to artificially inflate the project’s popularity. These bots created a false sense of hype, which was eventually corrected by Telegram’s updates, leading to a more accurate and significantly lower user count.
Delay in Hamster Kombat Airdrop Allocation and Distribution:
A key attraction of Telegram mini-games like Hamster Kombat is the play-to-earn model, where users can earn rewards for their participation. However, Hamster Kombat faced significant delays in the allocation and distribution of airdrops, causing frustration among its community. Without timely rewards, many users lost interest and moved on to other projects.
Delay in Hamster Kombat TGE and Listing:
The delays didn’t stop with the airdrops. The Token Generation Event (TGE) and the Hamster Kombat listing on major exchanges were also delayed, leading to uncertainty among users. Even if user win or becomes eligible for rewards, were unsure if they would ever be able to convert them into something tangible. This lack of clarity and trust resulted in users abandoning the project.
User Shift to Dogs Token & Other Projects:
As frustration grew, many users began shifting their attention to other projects like Dogs Token and Cats, where rewards were being distributed more reliably, and listings were already announced. These projects offered more immediate benefits, drawing away users who were tired of waiting for Hamster Kombat to deliver.
Lack of Major Updates or Announcements from Hamster Kombat:
Another critical factor contributing to the decline was the lack of communication from the Hamster Kombat team. There were no major updates or announcements to maintain the buzz or hype around the project. In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, consistent engagement with the community is crucial, and the absence of this from Hamster Kombat's side led to dwindling interest.
Conclusion : A Warning for the Future
The more than 40% drop in monthly active users suggests that the initial hype around Hamster Kombat may have been artificially inflated by bots, or it could indicate a growing disinterest within the community due to delays in critical aspects like airdrop distribution, TGE, and token listings on major exchanges. Without swift action to address these issues, Hamster Kombat risks losing even more of its user base, potentially leading to its downfall in the competitive world of Telegram mini-games.
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